Jen Fox and Paeony Lewis
Thin Places

Event Details

As the tide retreats, if you stand quietly on the edge of the sea, have you stepped between worlds? When you walk on damp sand where the sea once flowed, do you feel a sense of connection?

This event is running from 4 September 2024 until 15 September 2024.

  • Venue: Cromer Artspace on the Prom
  • Categories :
  • Upcoming Dates :


As the tide retreats, if you stand quietly on the edge of the sea, have you stepped between worlds? When you walk on damp sand where the sea once flowed, do you feel a sense of connection? There is an ancient term, ‘thin place’, that describes the nebulous concept of a place where the boundary thins between worlds. In this exhibition, two artists respond to emotions felt at low tide. Jen Fox and Paeony Lewis use techniques including walking, sculpture and alternative cameraless photography. They invite us to connect with our own ‘thin places’.
Insta @foxjenart
Insta @paeonylewis

fox and lewis