Claire Oxley and Debbie Lyddon
Sounding Place

Event Details

Sounding Place originates from listening to the resonances of the Norfolk landscape.

This event is running from 26 September 2024 until 7 October 2024.

  • Venue: Cromer Artspace on the Prom
  • Categories :
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Sounding Place originates from listening to the resonances of the Norfolk landscape.

Each piece in the exhibition represents the sonic relationship Debbie Lyddon and Claire Oxley have with the environment: a response to feeling the sounds and echoes of a place.

Debbie searches out equivalences between the aural and visual rhythms in the landscape: the regular or irregular gaps between objects and sounds, the meandering of contrapuntal voices, and silences or empty spaces.

Claire’s paintings chart the pulses and shifting seasons of the region; music plays a huge part in her thinking about colour, mark-making and composition. They are works that chart and describe the skies, seas, moons, fields, flowers and foliage of the area.

Debbie Lyddon

Claire Oxley

PV: 26 September
Artist talk: 30 September