cromer artspace with the high street coop

Co-op Local Community Fund

The Co-op Local Community Fund helps to support local projects that Co-op members care about. Since its launch in 2017, Co-op members have raised £39 million pounds for over 12,000 local causes. We’re delighted that Cromer Artspace will now be able to access this funding opportunity.

cromer artspace with the high street coop

The Co-op High Street store in the centre of Cromer has a membership scheme (a modern form of co-op stamps…) which rewards you for shopping at the store. Every time a member shops at the Co-op, in addition to their personal reward, 1% of what they spend on Co-op branded products and services helps fund community projects.

Members can select a cause for their donations: for the next 12 months Cromer Artspace is one of the causes you can select. If you are already a member, log onto your account and select us as your cause (or you can do so in store). If you aren’t a member please join up – even little spends in the shop will help our charity.

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