Art is All Around
Esther Boehm discusses Cromer Artspace on her blog at
Esther Boehm discusses Cromer Artspace on her blog at
Sally Hirst being interviewed at Cromer Artspace on the Prom
Landscape and still life have been common tropes for artists for centuries, and are still being exploited through social media, the food images and selfies against exotic backdrops that flood our feeds.
Thoughts after Saturday 26th of February – Scribbles from David Batley
Objects will hover above the ground allowing visitors to walk through and around the them. Sculptures made of black ‘Ciment Fondu’ will emerge from the ground to form a dialogue with both Ether and the visitors.
A joint show from Niki Medlik and Hazel Burgess inspired by sea
From October 20th to 30th there will be an exhibition on the theme of Now, Then and What Next at Artspace on the Prom. You will have seen the Open Call to artists. Please do spread the word. At the Community Hall there will be workshops, talks and performances, also linked to ideas about place and identity….