
Cromer Artspace has been established to:

  • be a community-focused arts organisation
  • accessible, sometimes provocative and sometimes challenging exhibitions
  • celebrate inclusion and participation in the arts
  • provide opportunities and support for artists to grow and develop
  • an active role in the network of contemporary arts organisations
  • bring new purpose and energy to the cultural heritage of Cromer

The outcomes will;

  • provide a diverse programme of exhibitions, workshops, talks and events
  • provide opportunities for an enriching cultural experience for all, particularly those who, for a variety of reasons, have had limited access to the arts
  • engage with a diversity of communities in an active and participatory debate about the role and importance of creativity as a part of the social fabric
  • provide opportunities for those interested in arts the to participate in the administration and operation of an arts organisation
  • provide support as well as a public platform for artists from all age-groups, particularly those under-represented elsewhere and who have had little opportunity to show their work.